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API Testing Challenge – Practice Your Skills

It is the beginning of the month and I prepared another testing challenge. This time it is an API testing challenge. I have here an online version of REST API called Restful Booker. It is an API for making bookings in a hotel and you can find the relevant documentation here.

Before you start the API Testing Challenge

Feel free to browse through the documentation and if it is easier for you, right down a few test cases or even create a test strategy. Make a plan for yourself what would you test. Do you want to test happy path first or negative scenarios? Do you plan to test response times as well? What would be the appropriate response time for these requests?

About the Challenge

Read the documentation carefully, consult the API testing guidelines article I wrote earlier and you can start. You can use a tool of your choice. The documentation has examples of cURL requests as well if you are more oriented to command line. Pay specific attention to trying all the methods, checking all the endpoints, checking authentication and check if the documentation is correct. This challenge is also difficult because with this API it might look like you are not doing something correct. It may resemble like your tools are not working but do not despair. Remember, if it sounds wrong then most probably it is wrong. In real life situations you would have someone on your side who you would be able to consult with. This would definitely clear all the doubts you have.

What to do when you find bugs?

Feel free to right down a proper bug report as you would in real world. Practice your ability to document the bugs in clear and concise way. Comment section is available for your thoughts.

If you want to get the list of bugs I found, please subscribe for free below. After subscription confirmation you will get the list of bugs. With the solution you get the explanation for each bug why it should be reported. Happy testing and remember to have fun!

API Challenge Solution

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